TJS Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Tajikistan Somoni

Exchange Rates Table
TJS TJS 1USD USD 0.09418
TJS TJS 1EUR EUR 0.08682
TJS TJS 1JPY JPY 14.53006
TJS TJS 1GBP GBP 0.07321
TJS TJS 1AUD AUD 0.14367
TJS TJS 1CAD CAD 0.13011
TJS TJS 1CHF CHF 0.08324
TJS TJS 1CNY CNY 0.68315
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1TJS TJS 10.61761
EUR EUR 1TJS TJS 11.51772
JPY JPY 1TJS TJS 0.06882
GBP GBP 1TJS TJS 13.65951
AUD AUD 1TJS TJS 6.96043
CAD CAD 1TJS TJS 7.68593
CHF CHF 1TJS TJS 12.01284
CNY CNY 1TJS TJS 1.46381

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