JMD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Jamaican Dollar

Exchange Rates Table
JMD JMD 1USD USD 0.00640
JMD JMD 1EUR EUR 0.00588
JMD JMD 1JPY JPY 0.98333
JMD JMD 1GBP GBP 0.00497
JMD JMD 1AUD AUD 0.00977
JMD JMD 1CAD CAD 0.00885
JMD JMD 1CHF CHF 0.00565
JMD JMD 1CNY CNY 0.04637
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1JMD JMD 156.35128
EUR EUR 1JMD JMD 169.99324
JPY JPY 1JMD JMD 1.01695
GBP GBP 1JMD JMD 201.19271
AUD AUD 1JMD JMD 102.36319
CAD CAD 1JMD JMD 113.05635
CHF CHF 1JMD JMD 176.93502
CNY CNY 1JMD JMD 21.56449

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