AED Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for United Arab Emirates Dirham

Exchange Rates Table
AED AED 1USD USD 0.27226
AED AED 1EUR EUR 0.25101
AED AED 1JPY JPY 40.82754
AED AED 1GBP GBP 0.20909
AED AED 1AUD AUD 0.40741
AED AED 1CAD CAD 0.37638
AED AED 1CHF CHF 0.23531
AED AED 1CNY CNY 1.93665
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1AED AED 3.67295
EUR EUR 1AED AED 3.98396
JPY JPY 1AED AED 0.02449
GBP GBP 1AED AED 4.78264
AUD AUD 1AED AED 2.45456
CAD CAD 1AED AED 2.65691
CHF CHF 1AED AED 4.24980
CNY CNY 1AED AED 0.51636

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