HKD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Hong Kong Dollar

Exchange Rates Table
HKD HKD 1USD USD 0.12866
HKD HKD 1EUR EUR 0.11862
HKD HKD 1JPY JPY 19.29405
HKD HKD 1GBP GBP 0.09881
HKD HKD 1AUD AUD 0.19253
HKD HKD 1CAD CAD 0.17787
HKD HKD 1CHF CHF 0.11120
HKD HKD 1CNY CNY 0.91521
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1HKD HKD 7.77222
EUR EUR 1HKD HKD 8.43033
JPY JPY 1HKD HKD 0.05183
GBP GBP 1HKD HKD 10.12040
AUD AUD 1HKD HKD 5.19402
CAD CAD 1HKD HKD 5.62220
CHF CHF 1HKD HKD 8.99286
CNY CNY 1HKD HKD 1.09265

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