OMR Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Omani Rial

Exchange Rates Table
OMR OMR 1USD USD 2.59771
OMR OMR 1EUR EUR 2.39470
OMR OMR 1JPY JPY 400.76086
OMR OMR 1GBP GBP 2.01922
OMR OMR 1AUD AUD 3.96262
OMR OMR 1CAD CAD 3.58857
OMR OMR 1CHF CHF 2.29600
OMR OMR 1CNY CNY 18.84224
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1OMR OMR 0.38495
EUR EUR 1OMR OMR 0.41759
JPY JPY 1OMR OMR 0.00250
GBP GBP 1OMR OMR 0.49524
AUD AUD 1OMR OMR 0.25236
CAD CAD 1OMR OMR 0.27866
CHF CHF 1OMR OMR 0.43554
CNY CNY 1OMR OMR 0.05307

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