BND Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Brunei Dollar

Exchange Rates Table
BND BND 1USD USD 0.76337
BND BND 1EUR EUR 0.70378
BND BND 1JPY JPY 114.47312
BND BND 1GBP GBP 0.58625
BND BND 1AUD AUD 1.14229
BND BND 1CAD CAD 1.05529
BND BND 1CHF CHF 0.65975
BND BND 1CNY CNY 5.43001
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1BND BND 1.30998
EUR EUR 1BND BND 1.42090
JPY JPY 1BND BND 0.00874
GBP GBP 1BND BND 1.70576
AUD AUD 1BND BND 0.87543
CAD CAD 1BND BND 0.94760
CHF CHF 1BND BND 1.51572
CNY CNY 1BND BND 0.18416

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