SEK Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Swedish Krona

Exchange Rates Table
SEK SEK 1USD USD 0.09255
SEK SEK 1EUR EUR 0.08532
SEK SEK 1JPY JPY 14.27782
SEK SEK 1GBP GBP 0.07194
SEK SEK 1AUD AUD 0.14118
SEK SEK 1CAD CAD 0.12785
SEK SEK 1CHF CHF 0.08180
SEK SEK 1CNY CNY 0.67129
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1SEK SEK 10.80519
EUR EUR 1SEK SEK 11.72120
JPY JPY 1SEK SEK 0.07004
GBP GBP 1SEK SEK 13.90083
AUD AUD 1SEK SEK 7.08339
CAD CAD 1SEK SEK 7.82171
CHF CHF 1SEK SEK 12.22507
CNY CNY 1SEK SEK 1.48967

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