RSD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Serbian Dinar

Exchange Rates Table
RSD RSD 1USD USD 0.00928
RSD RSD 1EUR EUR 0.00853
RSD RSD 1JPY JPY 1.42633
RSD RSD 1GBP GBP 0.00721
RSD RSD 1AUD AUD 0.01417
RSD RSD 1CAD CAD 0.01283
RSD RSD 1CHF CHF 0.00820
RSD RSD 1CNY CNY 0.06726
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1RSD RSD 107.79040
EUR EUR 1RSD RSD 117.19533
JPY JPY 1RSD RSD 0.70110
GBP GBP 1RSD RSD 138.70461
AUD AUD 1RSD RSD 70.57038
CAD CAD 1RSD RSD 77.94237
CHF CHF 1RSD RSD 121.98107
CNY CNY 1RSD RSD 14.86681

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