PHP Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Philippine Peso

Exchange Rates Table
PHP PHP 1USD USD 0.01711
PHP PHP 1EUR EUR 0.01578
PHP PHP 1JPY JPY 2.64013
PHP PHP 1GBP GBP 0.01330
PHP PHP 1AUD AUD 0.02610
PHP PHP 1CAD CAD 0.02364
PHP PHP 1CHF CHF 0.01513
PHP PHP 1CNY CNY 0.12413
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1PHP PHP 58.43450
EUR EUR 1PHP PHP 63.38830
JPY JPY 1PHP PHP 0.37877
GBP GBP 1PHP PHP 75.17577
AUD AUD 1PHP PHP 38.30703
CAD CAD 1PHP PHP 42.29986
CHF CHF 1PHP PHP 66.11322
CNY CNY 1PHP PHP 8.05616

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