NPR Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Nepalese Rupee

Exchange Rates Table
NPR NPR 1USD USD 0.00747
NPR NPR 1EUR EUR 0.00688
NPR NPR 1JPY JPY 1.15222
NPR NPR 1GBP GBP 0.00581
NPR NPR 1AUD AUD 0.01139
NPR NPR 1CAD CAD 0.01032
NPR NPR 1CHF CHF 0.00660
NPR NPR 1CNY CNY 0.05417
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1NPR NPR 133.89378
EUR EUR 1NPR NPR 145.24465
JPY JPY 1NPR NPR 0.86789
GBP GBP 1NPR NPR 172.25385
AUD AUD 1NPR NPR 87.77474
CAD CAD 1NPR NPR 96.92369
CHF CHF 1NPR NPR 151.48840
CNY CNY 1NPR NPR 18.45946

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