NIO Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Nicaragua Cordoba

Exchange Rates Table
NIO NIO 1USD USD 0.02718
NIO NIO 1EUR EUR 0.02505
NIO NIO 1JPY JPY 4.19249
NIO NIO 1GBP GBP 0.02112
NIO NIO 1AUD AUD 0.04145
NIO NIO 1CAD CAD 0.03754
NIO NIO 1CHF CHF 0.02402
NIO NIO 1CNY CNY 0.19711
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1NIO NIO 36.79783
EUR EUR 1NIO NIO 39.91738
JPY JPY 1NIO NIO 0.23852
GBP GBP 1NIO NIO 47.34028
AUD AUD 1NIO NIO 24.12300
CAD CAD 1NIO NIO 26.63740
CHF CHF 1NIO NIO 41.63334
CNY CNY 1NIO NIO 5.07319

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