NAD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Namibian Dollar

Exchange Rates Table
NAD NAD 1USD USD 0.05411
NAD NAD 1EUR EUR 0.04988
NAD NAD 1JPY JPY 8.34760
NAD NAD 1GBP GBP 0.04206
NAD NAD 1AUD AUD 0.08254
NAD NAD 1CAD CAD 0.07475
NAD NAD 1CHF CHF 0.04782
NAD NAD 1CNY CNY 0.39247
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1NAD NAD 18.48129
EUR EUR 1NAD NAD 20.04804
JPY JPY 1NAD NAD 0.11979
GBP GBP 1NAD NAD 23.77611
AUD AUD 1NAD NAD 12.11550
CAD CAD 1NAD NAD 13.37833
CHF CHF 1NAD NAD 20.90987
CNY CNY 1NAD NAD 2.54795

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