MUR Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Mauritian Rupee

Exchange Rates Table
MUR MUR 1USD USD 0.02136
MUR MUR 1EUR EUR 0.01969
MUR MUR 1JPY JPY 3.29502
MUR MUR 1GBP GBP 0.01660
MUR MUR 1AUD AUD 0.03258
MUR MUR 1CAD CAD 0.02950
MUR MUR 1CHF CHF 0.01888
MUR MUR 1CNY CNY 0.15492
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1MUR MUR 46.82053
EUR EUR 1MUR MUR 50.78974
JPY JPY 1MUR MUR 0.30349
GBP GBP 1MUR MUR 60.23443
AUD AUD 1MUR MUR 30.69343
CAD CAD 1MUR MUR 33.89267
CHF CHF 1MUR MUR 52.97308
CNY CNY 1MUR MUR 6.45498

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