MOP Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Macau Pataca

Exchange Rates Table
MOP MOP 1USD USD 0.12441
MOP MOP 1EUR EUR 0.11443
MOP MOP 1JPY JPY 19.12809
MOP MOP 1GBP GBP 0.09669
MOP MOP 1AUD AUD 0.19003
MOP MOP 1CAD CAD 0.17206
MOP MOP 1CHF CHF 0.10994
MOP MOP 1CNY CNY 0.90205
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1MOP MOP 8.03766
EUR EUR 1MOP MOP 8.73896
JPY JPY 1MOP MOP 0.05228
GBP GBP 1MOP MOP 10.34285
AUD AUD 1MOP MOP 5.26226
CAD CAD 1MOP MOP 5.81197
CHF CHF 1MOP MOP 9.09582
CNY CNY 1MOP MOP 1.10858

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