MNT Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Mongolian Tugrik

Exchange Rates Table
MNT MNT 1USD USD 0.00029
MNT MNT 1EUR EUR 0.00027
MNT MNT 1JPY JPY 0.04472
MNT MNT 1GBP GBP 0.00023
MNT MNT 1AUD AUD 0.00044
MNT MNT 1CAD CAD 0.00040
MNT MNT 1CHF CHF 0.00026
MNT MNT 1CNY CNY 0.00210
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1MNT MNT 3,450.00035
EUR EUR 1MNT MNT 3,742.47475
JPY JPY 1MNT MNT 22.36274
GBP GBP 1MNT MNT 4,438.41265
AUD AUD 1MNT MNT 2,261.66501
CAD CAD 1MNT MNT 2,497.40331
CHF CHF 1MNT MNT 3,903.35558
CNY CNY 1MNT MNT 475.63926

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