MDL Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Moldovan Leu

Exchange Rates Table
MDL MDL 1USD USD 0.05626
MDL MDL 1EUR EUR 0.05186
MDL MDL 1JPY JPY 8.67880
MDL MDL 1GBP GBP 0.04373
MDL MDL 1AUD AUD 0.08581
MDL MDL 1CAD CAD 0.07771
MDL MDL 1CHF CHF 0.04972
MDL MDL 1CNY CNY 0.40804
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1MDL MDL 17.77602
EUR EUR 1MDL MDL 19.28298
JPY JPY 1MDL MDL 0.11522
GBP GBP 1MDL MDL 22.86878
AUD AUD 1MDL MDL 11.65316
CAD CAD 1MDL MDL 12.86779
CHF CHF 1MDL MDL 20.11192
CNY CNY 1MDL MDL 2.45072

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