LYD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Libyan Dinar

Exchange Rates Table
LYD LYD 1USD USD 0.20682
LYD LYD 1EUR EUR 0.19066
LYD LYD 1JPY JPY 31.90716
LYD LYD 1GBP GBP 0.16076
LYD LYD 1AUD AUD 0.31549
LYD LYD 1CAD CAD 0.28571
LYD LYD 1CHF CHF 0.18280
LYD LYD 1CNY CNY 1.50015
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1LYD LYD 4.83511
EUR EUR 1LYD LYD 5.24500
JPY JPY 1LYD LYD 0.03134
GBP GBP 1LYD LYD 6.22035
AUD AUD 1LYD LYD 3.16968
CAD CAD 1LYD LYD 3.50006
CHF CHF 1LYD LYD 5.47047
CNY CNY 1LYD LYD 0.66660

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