JOD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Jordanian Dinar

Exchange Rates Table
JOD JOD 1USD USD 1.41103
JOD JOD 1EUR EUR 1.29779
JOD JOD 1JPY JPY 216.93830
JOD JOD 1GBP GBP 1.09654
JOD JOD 1AUD AUD 2.15523
JOD JOD 1CAD CAD 1.95138
JOD JOD 1CHF CHF 1.24687
JOD JOD 1CNY CNY 10.23051
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1JOD JOD 0.70870
EUR EUR 1JOD JOD 0.77054
JPY JPY 1JOD JOD 0.00461
GBP GBP 1JOD JOD 0.91196
AUD AUD 1JOD JOD 0.46399
CAD CAD 1JOD JOD 0.51246
CHF CHF 1JOD JOD 0.80201
CNY CNY 1JOD JOD 0.09775

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