ISK Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Icelandic Krona

Exchange Rates Table
ISK ISK 1USD USD 0.00726
ISK ISK 1EUR EUR 0.00669
ISK ISK 1JPY JPY 1.11971
ISK ISK 1GBP GBP 0.00564
ISK ISK 1AUD AUD 0.01107
ISK ISK 1CAD CAD 0.01003
ISK ISK 1CHF CHF 0.00641
ISK ISK 1CNY CNY 0.05264
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1ISK ISK 137.78038
EUR EUR 1ISK ISK 149.46074
JPY JPY 1ISK ISK 0.89309
GBP GBP 1ISK ISK 177.25395
AUD AUD 1ISK ISK 90.32262
CAD CAD 1ISK ISK 99.73714
CHF CHF 1ISK ISK 155.88573
CNY CNY 1ISK ISK 18.99529

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