GIP Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Gibraltar Pound

Exchange Rates Table
GIP GIP 1USD USD 1.29776
GIP GIP 1EUR EUR 1.19634
GIP GIP 1JPY JPY 200.21088
GIP GIP 1GBP GBP 1.00875
GIP GIP 1AUD AUD 1.97963
GIP GIP 1CAD CAD 1.79277
GIP GIP 1CHF CHF 1.14703
GIP GIP 1CNY CNY 9.41315
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1GIP GIP 0.77056
EUR EUR 1GIP GIP 0.83588
JPY JPY 1GIP GIP 0.00499
GBP GBP 1GIP GIP 0.99132
AUD AUD 1GIP GIP 0.50514
CAD CAD 1GIP GIP 0.55780
CHF CHF 1GIP GIP 0.87182
CNY CNY 1GIP GIP 0.10623

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