GEL Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Georgian Lari

Exchange Rates Table
GEL GEL 1USD USD 0.36767
GEL GEL 1EUR EUR 0.33897
GEL GEL 1JPY JPY 55.13506
GEL GEL 1GBP GBP 0.28236
GEL GEL 1AUD AUD 0.55018
GEL GEL 1CAD CAD 0.50827
GEL GEL 1CHF CHF 0.31777
GEL GEL 1CNY CNY 2.61532
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1GEL GEL 2.71982
EUR EUR 1GEL GEL 2.95012
JPY JPY 1GEL GEL 0.01814
GBP GBP 1GEL GEL 3.54155
AUD AUD 1GEL GEL 1.81760
CAD CAD 1GEL GEL 1.96744
CHF CHF 1GEL GEL 3.14698
CNY CNY 1GEL GEL 0.38236

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