ERN Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Eritrean Nakfa

Exchange Rates Table
ERN ERN 1USD USD 0.06667
ERN ERN 1EUR EUR 0.06132
ERN ERN 1JPY JPY 10.24967
ERN ERN 1GBP GBP 0.05181
ERN ERN 1AUD AUD 0.10183
ERN ERN 1CAD CAD 0.09220
ERN ERN 1CHF CHF 0.05891
ERN ERN 1CNY CNY 0.48336
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1ERN ERN 15.00000
EUR EUR 1ERN ERN 16.30878
JPY JPY 1ERN ERN 0.09756
GBP GBP 1ERN ERN 19.30199
AUD AUD 1ERN ERN 9.82050
CAD CAD 1ERN ERN 10.84638
CHF CHF 1ERN ERN 16.97476
CNY CNY 1ERN ERN 2.06885

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