DOP Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Dominican Peso

Exchange Rates Table
DOP DOP 1USD USD 0.01689
DOP DOP 1EUR EUR 0.01557
DOP DOP 1JPY JPY 2.60512
DOP DOP 1GBP GBP 0.01313
DOP DOP 1AUD AUD 0.02576
DOP DOP 1CAD CAD 0.02333
DOP DOP 1CHF CHF 0.01493
DOP DOP 1CNY CNY 0.12248
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1DOP DOP 59.21968
EUR EUR 1DOP DOP 64.24004
JPY JPY 1DOP DOP 0.38386
GBP GBP 1DOP DOP 76.18590
AUD AUD 1DOP DOP 38.82176
CAD CAD 1DOP DOP 42.86823
CHF CHF 1DOP DOP 67.00158
CNY CNY 1DOP DOP 8.16441

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