DKK Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Danish Krone

Exchange Rates Table
DKK DKK 1USD USD 0.14536
DKK DKK 1EUR EUR 0.13400
DKK DKK 1JPY JPY 22.42556
DKK DKK 1GBP GBP 0.11299
DKK DKK 1AUD AUD 0.22174
DKK DKK 1CAD CAD 0.20081
DKK DKK 1CHF CHF 0.12848
DKK DKK 1CNY CNY 1.05436
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1DKK DKK 6.87940
EUR EUR 1DKK DKK 7.46261
JPY JPY 1DKK DKK 0.04459
GBP GBP 1DKK DKK 8.85033
AUD AUD 1DKK DKK 4.50983
CAD CAD 1DKK DKK 4.97990
CHF CHF 1DKK DKK 7.78341
CNY CNY 1DKK DKK 0.94844

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