BYN Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Belarus Ruble

Exchange Rates Table
BYN BYN 1USD USD 0.30568
BYN BYN 1EUR EUR 0.28180
BYN BYN 1JPY JPY 47.15936
BYN BYN 1GBP GBP 0.23761
BYN BYN 1AUD AUD 0.46630
BYN BYN 1CAD CAD 0.42228
BYN BYN 1CHF CHF 0.27018
BYN BYN 1CNY CNY 2.21725
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1BYN BYN 3.27134
EUR EUR 1BYN BYN 3.54867
JPY JPY 1BYN BYN 0.02120
GBP GBP 1BYN BYN 4.20857
AUD AUD 1BYN BYN 2.14455
CAD CAD 1BYN BYN 2.36808
CHF CHF 1BYN BYN 3.70122
CNY CNY 1BYN BYN 0.45101

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