BWP Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Botswana Pula

Exchange Rates Table
BWP BWP 1USD USD 0.07342
BWP BWP 1EUR EUR 0.06768
BWP BWP 1JPY JPY 11.32635
BWP BWP 1GBP GBP 0.05707
BWP BWP 1AUD AUD 0.11199
BWP BWP 1CAD CAD 0.10142
BWP BWP 1CHF CHF 0.06489
BWP BWP 1CNY CNY 0.53252
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1BWP BWP 13.62085
EUR EUR 1BWP BWP 14.77556
JPY JPY 1BWP BWP 0.08829
GBP GBP 1BWP BWP 17.52317
AUD AUD 1BWP BWP 8.92922
CAD CAD 1BWP BWP 9.85993
CHF CHF 1BWP BWP 15.41073
CNY CNY 1BWP BWP 1.87786

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