BSD Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Bahamian Dollar

Exchange Rates Table
BSD BSD 1USD USD 1.00018
BSD BSD 1EUR EUR 0.92202
BSD BSD 1JPY JPY 154.30227
BSD BSD 1GBP GBP 0.77744
BSD BSD 1AUD AUD 1.52570
BSD BSD 1CAD CAD 1.38168
BSD BSD 1CHF CHF 0.88401
BSD BSD 1CNY CNY 7.25470
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1BSD BSD 0.99982
EUR EUR 1BSD BSD 1.08458
JPY JPY 1BSD BSD 0.00648
GBP GBP 1BSD BSD 1.28626
AUD AUD 1BSD BSD 0.65544
CAD CAD 1BSD BSD 0.72375
CHF CHF 1BSD BSD 1.13120
CNY CNY 1BSD BSD 0.13784

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