BRL Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Brazilian Real

Exchange Rates Table
BRL BRL 1USD USD 0.17715
BRL BRL 1EUR EUR 0.16331
BRL BRL 1JPY JPY 27.32988
BRL BRL 1GBP GBP 0.13770
BRL BRL 1AUD AUD 0.27023
BRL BRL 1CAD CAD 0.24472
BRL BRL 1CHF CHF 0.15658
BRL BRL 1CNY CNY 1.28495
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1BRL BRL 5.64490
EUR EUR 1BRL BRL 6.12345
JPY JPY 1BRL BRL 0.03659
GBP GBP 1BRL BRL 7.26215
AUD AUD 1BRL BRL 3.70054
CAD CAD 1BRL BRL 4.08626
CHF CHF 1BRL BRL 6.38668
CNY CNY 1BRL BRL 0.77824

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