ALL Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates for Albanian Lek

Exchange Rates Table
ALL ALL 1USD USD 0.01080
ALL ALL 1EUR EUR 0.00993
ALL ALL 1JPY JPY 1.66033
ALL ALL 1GBP GBP 0.00839
ALL ALL 1AUD AUD 0.01649
ALL ALL 1CAD CAD 0.01493
ALL ALL 1CHF CHF 0.00954
ALL ALL 1CNY CNY 0.07830
Exchange Rates Table
USD USD 1ALL ALL 92.59907
EUR EUR 1ALL ALL 100.67852
JPY JPY 1ALL ALL 0.60229
GBP GBP 1ALL ALL 119.15642
AUD AUD 1ALL ALL 60.62462
CAD CAD 1ALL ALL 66.95764
CHF CHF 1ALL ALL 104.78979
CNY CNY 1ALL ALL 12.77157

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